Nonprofit HR recently recognized Kristin O’Malley as a finalist on its “2022 Social Impact Women to Watch” list. She is among 19 other professional women chosen for leadership, unwavering dedication, and impactful achievement in the social sector.

Nonprofit HR, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is the country’s leading and oldest firm focused exclusively on the talent management needs of social impact organizations. For the past several years, it has recognized women across North America who have made significant contributions to nonprofits, associations, foundations, social enterprise, and the communities they serve.
The following women were also named to Nonprofit HR’s “2022 Social Impact Women to Watch” list.
- Amy L. Hinojosa, President and CEO, MANA, A National Latina Organization
- Andrea Lovanhill, Chief Executive Officer, Committee for Children
- Angela C. Caraway, Executive Director, The Caraway Foundation
- Bianca Anderson, Co-CEO, ProInspire
- Cynthia Buiza, Executive Director, California Immigration Policy Center
- Eleace Sawyers, Chief Executive Officer, Community Health Partnership of Illinois
- Faith Boettger, Founder & Chair, Social4Good
- Jennifer Cartland, Interim Executive Director and Consultant, Reach Incorporated
- Kavita Mehra, Executive Director, Sakhi for South Asian Women
- Kenyetta McCurdy-Byrd, Chief Operating Officer, REACH Riverside Development Corporation
- Koua Franz, Chief Strategy Officer, Committee for Children
- Linda Lockhart, Founder & CEO, Global Give Back Circle
- Luana Vaetoe, Chief Executive Officer, Becoming Independent
- Michelle Brier, Vice President of Marketing and Development, BluePath Service Dogs, Inc.
- Rosemary C. Jordan, Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Vision Foundation
- Sarah Williams, Staff Attorney, Rubicon Programs
- Shawna Young, Executive Director, The Scratch Foundation
- Susana Eshleman, President and CEO, Children International
- Terri L. White, Chief Executive Officer, Mental Health Association Oklahoma