Philanthropy Partners of the Cape and Islands (PPCI) invites you to our upcoming educational meeting. Please join us in-person at noon on Wednesday, April 12th, 2023 for a buffet lunch at Alberto’s Ristorante, 360 Main St in Hyannis.
Grant Me Access: Demystifying the LOI
Whether you know LOI as a Letter of Intent, a Letter of Interest, or a Letter of Inquiry, this workshop will help you get your nonprofit noticed! Because first impressions truly matter, this workshop will share tips on material organization, so you are ready with a pitch that piques interest and engages your funders towards inviting a full grant submission and funding. Word counts, character limits and attachments will be demystified by this slate of professionals representing a regional foundation, a regional bank, and a Cape nonprofit. Walk away with insider information on what funders look for in an LOI, and tips on writing concisely and impactfully from pros familiar with passwords and portals that will truly “grant you access.”
Our speakers include Caitlin Buckley, Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships Officer at The Cape Cod Foundation; Cyndy Cotton, CFRE, Executive Director at Osterville Village Library; and Robert (Bert) Talerman, President at Cape Cod 5. Jennifer Curran, Development and Communications Director at Pleasant Bay Community Boating will facilitate.
This event is FREE to attend with advance registration for current PPCI members; and $45 per person for guests/non-members.
Space is limited!
NOTE: If you join or renew as a member during registration, you may select the PPCI member fee type to attend this event for free!
About Our Speakers
Robert (Bert) Talerman

Bert Talerman is President of Cape Cod 5, overseeing all customer-facing areas of the Bank including Banking Services, Commercial, Residential and Consumer Lending, and Wealth Management Services. He also oversees Cape Cod 5’s community engagement efforts and is Chair and President of the Cape Cod 5 Foundation. Bert joined Cape Cod 5 in 2007 and has over 30 years of experience in the banking industry. He is a graduate of Amherst College.
Bert is deeply embedded in the community, serving as President of the Kelley Foundation and as a Cape Cod Healthcare Board Member. Bert also serves on the Barnstable County Economic
Development Council. In addition, he was a past Board Chair for the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, Coastal Community Capital and Cape and Islands United Way.
Bert is a resident of Centerville.
Caitlin Buckley

Caitlin’s experience in the nonprofit sector spans grant writing, grant making, coalition building, program management and program evaluation. She is currently the Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships Officer at The Cape Cod Foundation. Caitlin began her career as a Community Health Specialist in the Community Benefits Office of Mount Auburn Hospital and as coordinator of CHNA17. There, she managed grantmaking and capacity building initiatives to community-based organizations across 6 municipalities. Most recently she directed youth, workforce development, and public health education programming at the Allston Brighton Substance Use Task Force and Groundwork Lawrence while raising funds required to expand and sustain these programs. Caitlin has a bachelor’s degree in Public Health and Sociology from Brandeis University. She also holds a master’s degree in Prevention Science from Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is dedicated to providing equitable pathways for individuals and organizations to become empowered and valued leaders who are capable of making the highest possible positive impact in their communities.
Cyndy Cotton, CFRE

A longtime member of Philanthropy Partners of the Cape and Islands, Cyndy Cotton joined the PPCI board in 2020. A Cape Cod native, Cyndy served as a childhood volunteer at the Osterville Village Library, where she now serves as Executive Director. Her transition to leadership at the 136 year old non-profit follows her years as a library trustee and member of the library’s capital campaign. Cyndy’s contributions to the capital campaign helped achieve the desired result of a brand new 20,000 sq foot library facility in 2012.
Becoming a Certified Fundraising Executive and a graduate of Boston University Professional Fundraising Program are recent accomplishments. In addition to receiving the Paul Harris Fellow Award from Rotary International, The Institute for Nonprofit Practice’s Changemaker Award. Cyndy is currently enrolled in Cornell University Certificate course “Financial Security for Nonprofits.”
Jennifer Curran

Jennifer feels fortunate to have grown up on Cape Cod and to have raised her two grown daughters here. Following her passion for helping others, she pursued a degree from the University of New Hampshire in Child and Family Studies. Upon graduating, she worked as Social Services Coordinator for Head Start programs and as a Child Advocate for the state of New Hampshire Child Services. Through this work, she quickly learned that funding for community programs was one of the biggest challenges and began a career in fundraising. Jennifer has more than 25 years of nonprofit experience and remains deeply connected to the Cape community. She joined Pleasant Bay Community Boating in January of 2023.
Thank you Sponsors! Brought to you in part by Cape Cod 5, Kelley Foundation, Inc., and the Cape Cod Healthcare Foundation.